These 3 common mistakes may be hurting your gut

Yesterday via Instagram someone asked me about "where to start" regarding gut health. This is typical, right? Being overwhelmed or feeling uncertain about what to do is such a common feeling when embarking on a gut health journey. So my first inclination is to always tackle the BASICS ✨.

The basics are the lifestyle factors around gut health, and so many of us would get a D- if this was a school test.

You don't need fancy foods or expensive lymphatic drainage massages, you just need to stop doing these 3 key mistakes and be consistent

1) Snacking throughout the day / not having properly balanced meals:

Snacking can be great, but it's all about finding that mealtime balance. Try to put together well-rounded breakfast, lunch, and dinner setups (with protein, carbs, and healthy fats). This can help you cut down on random snacking and give your digestion the boost it needs, which means less bloating. This is KEY!

Unbalanced meal / constant snacking: 🍿 🥐 🍎

Balanced meal: 🍚🥗🥩 / 🐟🥦🥔 / 🍅🥚

2) Exercising too much, or not properly recovering after it

We all know that exercise rocks, but remember, it's all about finding that sweet middle spot. Overdoing it or not letting your body recover can put some stress on your gut. And guess what? Stressed-out guts can lead to bloating troubles. So, let's sweat it out wisely and give our bodies the cool-down they deserve.

3) Eating distracted

Ever caught yourself munching while driving, scrolling, or on the move? Guilty as charged, right? But here's the thing – distracted eating can mess with your digestion and make bloating your new BFF. Time to put the phone down, sit, and savor your food. Your tummy will thank you!

These small steps are the ones with the biggest impact. Don't spend your money on "solutions" that lead you nowhere. Quiet the noise of Instagram and Tiktok ads for powders and pills and Invest in your gut health wisely.


In a world of quick fixes, create sustainable habits that will last you forever.

If you enjoy this content and want to get deeper, and get your health to the next level, see below for my current offerings:


Endoscopies and Colonoscopies: a comprehensive overview


Acid reflux, bad breath and all things in between