3 Steps to Fight that Bothersome Constipation

Ugh, constipation…

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Let’s be honest— few things are more bothersome and frustrating than being constipated. You feel uncomfortable in your own skin, eating doesn’t sound appetizing, and you may even be gassy. Not a sexy place to be, I know.

Did you know that if you don’t poop at least once a day you’re probably constipated? Another thing that you might have not known is that even when we have one trip to the bathroom in the morning, that doesn’t necessarily mean we’re in the clear. Constipation isn’t only not doing #2, even when you have bowel movements once a day, you could still be constipated. If your stools are too small, too infrequent, and/or too difficult to expel, we need to talk. Take a look at the next chart to understand your feces.

What can happen if I’m constipated?

A lot of us are not taught that regular elimination serves an important purpose. Most of us know that feces are composed of water, bacteria, and undigested foods. What many of us don’t know is that we also eliminate excess vitamins, hormones, and toxins in our poop, every day. What happens if, for example, toxins are not eliminated from our bodies? They recirculate and can end up in the bloodstream.

Other things that can happen when we’re constipated or when our Large intestine is dysfunctional:

  • Halitosis (bad breath) and strong body odors

  • Coated tongue

  • Skin rashes

  • Moodiness

  • Hemorrhoids

  • Acne

Some behaviors that exacerbate constipation are lack of exercise and a diet that’s high in processed wheat and sugars. If you’re constipated on an unhealthy diet and lifestyle, that’s the first thing you need to change, my friend.

But there are many of us who eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, who exercise regularly and STILL lack regular bowel movements. If this is you, keep on reading.

The 3-step framework to relieve constipation

STEP 1— Make sure you’re adequately hydrated

This is not a “just drink more water” type of advice. Sometimes, that gallon of water a day you’re drinking could be doing you more harm than good. Drinking a lot of water doesn’t necessarily mean you’re getting adequate hydration, just like eating a lot of food doesn’t mean you’re properly nourished.

If you’re already drinking enough water, then it’s time to look at your electrolyte intake. You don’t need to buy fancy powders or tablets— please don’t! To add electrolytes to your water, simply add a pinch of sea salt to your glass every time you drink water. I promise you’ll feel the difference.

STEP 2— Eat soluble fiber.

My favorite source of soluble fiber is organic psyllium husk. I mix 1-2 tbsp with water or I sometimes add it to my arepa mix. Psyllium Husk is very helpful in adding bulk to your stools as well as encouraging intestinal motility. It is important that you mix it with enough water because if not, it could potentially dehydrate you, given that it absorbs a lot of water.


STEP 3— Eat or drink aloe vera

Aloe is an amazing food to soothe our digestive tract, particularly our small and large intestines. Constipation irritates our guts and frequent irritation can just make matters worse. You can get aloe through a supplement or simply buy the juice and the gel at the grocery store and simply blend it in your smoothies or mix it with your water. Aloe Vera is a true gut superfood!

Bonus step: Chew fennel seeds for immediate gas relief

Constipation often comes with a very noticeable, very undesired side effect: smelly gas! Ugh, the worst!

A natural way to fight excessively foul gas is by chewing a handful of fennel seeds for a few seconds after meals. You first chew and then spit them out (or just swallow them with water) It works like a charm!

You may also choose to include fennel seeds in your diet by adding them to smoothies and stews. I personally don’t love the licorice-type of taste but you do what works for you, boo.

And that’s it! Eat the aloe and the psyllium husk, make sure you’re getting your electrolytes in and tell me in a few weeks how you’re feeling!

When constipation is chronic

If the soluble fiber and aloe don’t do the trick…

Chronic constipation is no joke. It could be attributed to a low-functioning thyroid gland. This means that chronic constipation could actually be a hormonal issue. If you spend 3 or more days without passing stools or with very hard, very small stools, you need to get properly assessed by a practitioner to uncover the root cause of your constipation.

and this is it for today, amigos! Have a nice poop!


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